Classes of service is a mysterious concept in Kanban. The name itself might be confusing. Class of services? Classes of services? What does it mean, after all? Even more confusing is the practical application and, most importantly, why you would need them in the first place. While the implementation of сlasses of service is pretty […]

Sure Way to Create Sprint Goals for The Doubtful
Imagine a typical situation. Another sprint planning is coming close to an end. You have a sprint backlog for the next two weeks. Everybody is ready to leave the room and rush to development. That’s when someone asks out of the blue, ‘What about the sprint goal?’ Smile is gone from your face. This damn […]

Strategies for Handling Unplanned Work During Sprint
‘How do I deal with unplanned work?’ is a question I hear quite often from the teams I train or coach. The answer is not as simple as it may seem. First thing to understand is that unplanned work is rarely a problem per se. Usually, it’s just a symptom of the true issues that […]

Recovery for Scrum Sprinters
Many teams get deterred from Scrum by the requirement to start a new sprint immediately after the last on has ended. It‘s not that hard to see where the fear comes from. The prospect of constant churn without any chance for break looks frightening. Here’s a slight modification to Scrum that may not only remove […]

Yuriy Koziy, Agile Coach and Managing Partner at AgileDrive
When I had to facilitate a retrospective with a remote team, Kiryl’s FT worked like a charm: the team quickly got a grasp on how to use the tool, and all we had to do is just to trust the process. Plus you should not use screen-sharing (saving the internet bandwidth for video-call quality)—the magic […]

Freedom, flow, and creativity close to offline sessions

Alena Sletten, Senior Project Manager at EPAM Systems
If you’re looking for a way make your retrospectives more productive – you should definitely try this tool. It works great for distributed teams: easy-to-use, self-explanatory and compatible with any online meeting tools, doesn’t require additional meeting minutes and encourages people to participate. The icing on the cake: you don’t have to deal with handwriting […]

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